
A solution for Kaggle competition Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

In this repository, you will find the road map that I followed to build a machine learning model for a Kaggle competition. The model's predictions have placed me in top 6% on the leaderboard (on 23th of Aug 20) with 80.143% score.

You can find further information about the competition here


  • Exploratory Data Analysis.
    • Surviving rate
    • Pclass
    • Name
    • Sex
    • Age
    • SibSp, Parch
    • Ticket
    • Fare
    • Cabin
    • Embarked
  • Feature Engineering
    • Imputation on Embarked and Age columns
    • Title extraction
    • Ticket first letters
    • Cabin first letters
    • Encoding sex column
    • Family size
    • One Hot Encoding for all categorical variables
  • Machine Learning
    • Split data into train and test sets
    • Initialize a Random Forest Classifier
    • Hyperparameter Tuning with Grid Search
    • Prediction