This is a Text Analysis App which can be used to find a detailed analysis of a particular text. This includes 5 main types of Analysis - Spam/Ham Detection, Sentiment Analysis, Stress Detection, Hate & Offensive Content Detection, Sarcasm Detection
- aaryan0bb
- abhijit1990
- allen7uChina
- Anh-Dinh
- beingamanforeverVision & Language Group, IIT Roorkee
- esskander123
- fishfree
- garnethawkins
- Greatone89
- HiraAlvi0SuperNova
- Manisha2204
- mdirsad123Richway Innovation inc.
- NZere
- PrathamSingla15
- rezhajulio@PythonID @pyconid
- SaintlyCoder
- saujanyaraj07Banasthali Vidyapith
- soundaryaiyer
- Suwandi-amin-sangajiUniversitas Muhammadiyah sorong
- tahapek5454Doğuş Teknoloji
- tuhinmallickJulie and Grace GmbH
- vothaianh1997
- zhxngjxnhxx
- zzxfriend