This sample is written in C#, targeting iOS & Android and using Visual Studio. If you have a different setup, the sample may not run properly.
This is a Xamarin project to demonstrate the XAML capabilities to show case some use cases and re usable components using Xamarin Forms
- Acquire the source from
- Before building the code, make sure to restore all the packages associated to code. Go to dependencies and packages section and right click restore.
- Build the code and run it in iOS and Android simulators using MAC and Windows laptops accordingly. Note iOS app will run only in MAC.
- To add your code please create a Tile under the class DashboardPage.cs if there is no Tile in your name. Else use the tile which has your name.
- Once the Tile is added handle the switch case to navigate to your module or the POC.
- Follow the coding standards without fail
- Build and Run the application using Visual Studio
This sample is a standalone application demonstrating a few simple use cases or reusable components which are written using the XAML.
- Currently, the samples contain no error-handling code whatsoever. The most likely sources of error are: Lets have a common code to handle the common errors or exceptions.
- Bad network connection
- Incorrect authentication
- Once you check out the code from Master please create a seperate branch for your POC
- Do not to merge the code directly to Master
- You will have to create a Pull request and the Team will review your code and merge it in to Master branch
- Follow the same code structure and the pattern of code writing across all the samples
- MVVM+ coding style to be followed while writing any code and adhere to the code architecture