
is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate method and db.aggregate method. It will simplify pipelines by making them more readable and much easier to edit. It also allows you to test your pipelines on a dataset in order to verify them. Pipeline stages appear in an array. Documents pass through the stages in sequence.

npm package

npm i node-aggregation-tools


- with require

const aggregator = require("node-aggregation-tools");

- with import

import { Aggregator } from 'node-aggregation-tools';

Example with Student model:

const Student = new mongoose.model("Student", {
    name: String,
    city: String,
    subject: [String]

Example of pipline:

const getStudentList = new Aggregator(Student)
    .match({ city: "Rajkot" })
    .project({ _id: false, name: true, subject: true })
    .unwind({ path: "$subject" })
const aggregateStudent = await getStudentList.print().exec();

[ Aggregation Pipeline Stages ]


AddFields | Bucket | BucketAuto | CollStats | Count | Facet | GeoNear | GraphLookup | Group | IndexStats | Limit | Lookup | Match | Out | Project | ReplaceWith | Sample | Search | Set | Skip | Sort | SortByCount | Unset | Unwind

[ Aggregation Pipeline Operators ]

Absolute | Accumulator | Acos | Acosh | Add | AddToSet | AllElementsTrue | And | AnyElementTrue | ArrayElemAt | ArrayToObject | Asin | Asinh | Atan | Atan2 | Atanh | Avg | BinarySize | BsonSize | Ceil | Compare | Concat | ConcatArrays | Cond | Convert | Cos | Cosh | DateFromParts | DateFromString | DateToParts | DateToString | DayOfMonth | DayOfWeek | DayOfYear | DegreesToRadians | Divide | Equal | Exponent | Expression | Filter | First | Floor | FunctionOperator | GreaterThan | GreaterThanEqual | Hour | IfNull | In | IndexOfArray | IndexOfBytes | IndexOfCP | IsArray | IsNumber | IsoDayOfWeek | IsoWeek | IsoWeekYear | Last | LessThan | LessThanEqual | Let | Literal | Log | Log10 | Ltrim | MapOperator | Max | MergeObjects | Meta | Millisecond | Min | Minute | Mod | Month | Multiply | NaturalLog | Not | NotEqual | ObjectToArray | Or | Pow | Push | RadiansToDegrees | Rand | Range | Reduce | RegexFind | RegexFindAll | RegexMatch | ReplaceAll | ReplaceOne | ReverseArray | Round | Rtrim | SampleRate | Second | SetDifference | SetEquals | SetIntersection | SetIsSubset | SetUnion | Sin | Sinh | Size | Slice | Split | Sqrt | StdDevPop | StdDevSamp | StrCaseCmp | StrLenBytes | StrLenCP | Substr | SubstrBytes | SubstrCP | Subtract | Sum | Switch | Tan | Tanh | ToBool | ToDate | ToDecimal | ToDouble | ToInt | ToLong | ToLower | ToObjectId | ToString | ToUpper | Trim | Trunc | Type | Week | Year | Zip