
Build an authentication system using Node.js, Express, and Passport.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build an authentication system using Node.js, Express, and Passport.js

The repository contains the resulting code from our mini-series on Authentication using Node.js, Express, and Passport.js. The comprehensive series is designed to teach you everything you need to know to add authentication and authorisation to your existing website, or for a new-build from-scratch project.

You will learn;

  • How to set-up Next.js (React.js), with a custom Express.js back-end
  • How to build a login and registration page, using Material UI
  • How to set-up Passport.js with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • How to make your application flexible and configurable using dotenv
  • How to set-up MongoDB using Docker. We will also use Mongoose to simplify database calls, and MongoDB Memory Server for effective unit testing
  • How to extend the login/registration options with both Google and Facebook Passport strategies
  • How to introduce role-based authorisation, so you can restrict access to certain sections of the website.

Weather you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, don’t worry. We take care to explain the details that matter in a simple and straightforward language that is approachable to all.

The tutorial series can be found on DeveloperHandbook.com.