Shops API

This Rails API was created in accordance with Shopify's Winter 2018 Challenge. The project involves a Rails App with a SQLite3 db.

This app is available on . It deployed to Google Kubernetes Engine.


4 models were created: Shops, Products, Orders and Line Items.

The routes.rb file was modified so that the line_items pertained to orders which, along with products, pertained to a store (i.e. nested routes were used). The following routes were defined:


All CRUD actions are supported. This format was chosen because products will always be associated with a store. Thus, it made sense to physically connect them (through the url). A similar argument can be made for line items and orders and with orders and stores.

Things to Note

  • Every time a line item is saved, the order it corresponds to will update its total cost
  • Every time a product is updated, the line numbers that correspond to that product are updated too

Sample Queries

 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X GET
 curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"line_item": {"quantity" : "2"}}'

*From the last query, the total_cost of that line item, and the cost for the corresponding order should have changed

The Database

A SQLite3 db was used. db/seeds.rb provides a some data to populate the database. If the code is run locally, use "rake db:seed". It is recommended that the Kubernetes instance is used instead though.


minispec tests were created for the controllers. They can be run when the project is cloned locally, via the command "rails test".