
Developed a Tableau dashboard for real-time insights into sales KPIs like YTD total sales, YOY growth, and car metrics. Utilized Tableau for data connection, custom charts, and interactive filters to enhance decision-making and growth opportunities.


Problem Statement:
Create a dynamic dashboard to monitor real-time key performance indicators (KPIs) for sales data, facilitating informed decision-making, progress tracking, and identification of growth opportunities.

Dashboard Components:
Sales Overview:
YTD Total Sales, YOY Growth, Average Price Analysis
Cars Sold Metrics:
YTD Cars Sold, YOY Growth
Trend Analysis:
YTD Sales Weekly Trend (line chart), YTD Total Sales by Body Style (Pie chart), YTD Total Sales by Colour (Donut chart), YTD Cars Sold by Dealer Region (Bar chart)
Company-Wise Sales Trend:
Tabular grid displaying YTD sales trends for each company

Functions and Tools Utilized:
Utilization of Tableau for connecting to flat files, employing date functions, YTD and YOY calculations, custom charts, interactive filters, and dashboard design with charts formatting.
Tools Used:
Tableau, PowerPoint

Tableau Dashboard Link: https://public.tableau.com/views/CarsalesDashboard_17033370717140/CARSALESDASHBOARD?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link