
Student Management System - Backend This repository contains the backend implementation of a Student Management System. The system is designed to manage student records, providing APIs for creating, reading, updating, and deleting student information.

Table of Contents Technologies Features Getting Started API Endpoints Folder Structure Models Controllers Routes Configuration Deployment Additional Features Contributing License Technologies Node.js Express.js MongoDB (Mongoose ODM) Features Create API: Endpoint to add new students to the records. Read API: Endpoints to retrieve the list of all students and details of a specific student. Update API: Endpoint to update the details of an existing student. Delete API: Endpoint to remove a student from the records. Getting Started Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally:

Clone the repository:

bash Copy code git clone cd student-management-backend Install dependencies:

bash Copy code npm install Set up your MongoDB database and update the configuration accordingly.

Run the application:

bash Copy code npm start The server should be running at http://localhost:3000.

API Endpoints Create Student: POST /api/students Read All Students: GET /api/students Read Specific Student: GET /api/students/:studentId Update Student: PUT /api/students/:studentId Delete Student: DELETE /api/students/:studentId Folder Structure The project follows a modular structure:

plaintext Copy code student-management-backend/ |-- controllers/ | |-- studentController.js |-- models/ | |-- studentModel.js |-- routes/ | |-- studentRoutes.js |-- app.js |-- config.js |-- .gitignore |-- package.json |-- Models The studentModel.js defines the schema for student data, including fields such as name, studentID, major, and enrollmentDate.

Controllers The studentController.js contains functions handling the logic for CRUD operations on student data.

Routes The studentRoutes.js defines the API endpoints and connects them to the corresponding controller functions.

Configuration The config.js file includes configuration settings such as the MongoDB connection string and other environment variables.

Deployment Follow the deployment steps to host the backend on a hosting platform like Heroku, AWS, or others.

Additional Features User authentication Search and filter capabilities Contributing Feel free to contribute to the project by opening issues or submitting pull requests.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License.