This is AE Task Repo - Motorq

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Request Resolver

About The Application 🚀

Request Resolver is a web application from which
user can request for some workflow and
authenticated people can approve it !
all users have pre assign role and through which they can see their respective page
user can create new event
approver can approve it or reject it
and admin has privilege to see all realtime data and statistics
API Information

1 . /workflow    - Take All Workflow Type From Backend
2 . /querydata   - Return All Request Data
3 . /approvenumber - Return Total Approved Request Number
4 . /rejectnumber - Return Total Rejected Request Number
5 . /image/:userid/:name -Return Uploaded Image
6 . /uploadquery/:userid -Return Request of Perticular User


1 . /login         - Login User
2 . /uploadquery   - Upload Request
3 . /approve       - Approve The Request
4 . /reject        - Reject The Request
5 . /addworkflow   - Add New Workflow

Technology Used


Approver Route

Follow This Step to Clone This Repo On Your Local System

Pre requirements
Install Node Js In Your Local System
Install Mongodb Database In Your Local System

1.Clone This Repo
2.cd into frontend folder
  - cd frontend
2.Run This Command
->npm init
->npm install --Will Install All Dependencies

3.Cd into backend folder
  -cd backend
4.Run This Command
->npm init
->npm install --Will Install All Dependencies

Here You Go, Explore Project And Contribute 🚀
Happy Coding ✌️🙂