
VartaLap Is RealTime Chat Application Made Using Appwrite Services

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Appwrite Cloud Hackathon 2023

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VartaLap - Real Time Secret Chat Application 

About The Application 🚀

VartaLap Is A Real Time ⏳ Chat Application That Focused On User Privacy And Security
The Main Focus Of Chat Application Is That Any Members Can Do Secret 🤫 Chat With 
Other Using Join The Private Room
Any Member Can Create Private Room Based On Availability Of Room Name 
And Share With Other Member 
For Join The Room Now We Dont Require Any Authentication But In Next Increment We Will Be Include Authentication 
Where Each Member Need To Enter Unique Password Which Will Be Use For Join The Room 🤖
The Room Is Highly Secure And Concern With Chat Privacy If Any On User Will Be Dis-Connect From Room The 
Room Will Be Deleted, In Next Increment We Will limited This To Admin Only

Technology Used

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1.Clone This Repo
2.Run This Command
->npm init --Will Initialize Npm Project
->npm install --Will Install All Dependencies
Here You Go, Explore Project And Contribute 🚀
Happy Coding ✌️🙂