
Python-based ML web app for predicting Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Parkinson's Disease. Uses Streamlit for deployment and allows users to input data for accurate disease prediction.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The Multiple Disease Predictor is a Machine Learning-based web application developed in Python. This project focuses on building a Multiple Disease Prediction System, capable of predicting diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Parkinson's Disease.

Technical Details

The application utilizes the following technical components:

  • Python: The programming language used to implement the entire system.
  • Machine Learning Models: Trained machine learning models are employed for disease prediction.
  • Libraries: The project relies on various Python libraries, including:
  • pickle for loading the saved machine learning models.
  • streamlit for creating the web application.
  • streamlit_option_menu for the sidebar navigation menu.
  • Data Persistence: The machine learning models are stored using the pickle module.


  • Disease Prediction: Predicts the likelihood of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Parkinson's Disease based on user-provided input data.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provides a straightforward and intuitive interface for users to input data.
  • Fast and Accurate Predictions: Employs machine learning models to deliver rapid and precise predictions.
  • Multiple Disease Selection: Allows users to choose which disease they want to predict from a sidebar navigation menu.


  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Install the required Python libraries using pip.
  • Run the Streamlit web app using streamlit run app.py.
  • Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8501.