
This has a draft for the GSoc proposal for godot project working on Command palette.


This is a draft for the GSoc proposal of godot Organisation working on Command palette project.

user scenarios

  • user can search a command from the line-edit in thee command palette.
  • user can execute a command that he searched.
  • user can view shortcut for a command if available.
  • user can search file or scene.
  • user can view all the aviable commands with a fuzzy-search result.
  • user can change workspace.

Presentation and integration

  • user uses a shortcut for command palette ctrl + shift + p or cmd + shift + p to open a Modal-Dialog, Which has a line-edit to search and list-view that contains fuzzy-search result of the above searched command or file.

  • Modal-Dialog mentioned doesn't have any close button and can be closed by either Esc button or changing the focus to other view.

  • first retrieved search result is selected by default and pressing return or enter key would execute that command or open that scence or file.

    1.Some Features

    • use ? to get available command filters like :

      • > for editor commands. (Editor Main Menu Settings)
      • (prefixed with nothing) search for Resources.
    • Example:>op will search and retrieve all the commands with name containing op.

    • Navigate Workspace (2D, 3D, Script, AssetLib).


        Should use available GUI to make something like described in Wiki.

    List-View :

        May be I can use popup-menu but should think of something else.


Priliminaries :

1.Commands / Actions : It is a reference of Callable(Function pointer) that calls some specific function when executed.

To Have a Functional Command Palette we need :

  1. A Data-Structre to Store Callable and Arguments and Retreive it by some string.

    A EditorActions Class is made and Store actions with a HashMap where String type as Key and Storing a Pair of Callable and Vector for arguments (HashMap<String, Pair<Callable, Vector<Variant>> callables). but EditorAction has some other big plans #70. So to make a difference between Command Palette actions and other Editor actions we have a Vector<String> palette_action which keep track of all Command palette actions. and another Hashmap for shortcuts HashMap<String, Shortcut>.

  2. Register EditorActions.

    So this can be done in EditorNode where most of the Editor code lies. where i call EditorAction::add_palette_action("action_name", callable_mp(this, func), varray(arg1,arg2..), [Shortcut]);.

  3. We need a way to search and execute for a Command from avaiable commands.

    A CommandPalette Class is made which contains all the UI like line-edit, List-view. when we start searching something if it's start with > it will start searching EditorAction commands i.e it will retreive action_names from EditorActions::palete_actions otherwise it will just Search for Resource just like Quick Open Resource. when Desired action is selected it emits execute_command signal or open_file in case of resource.

  4. Execute the Command once the desired command is selected.

    So execute_command signal is connected to EditorNode::_execute_command() which just calls EditorAction::_execute_action(selected_command) and open_file signal connects to EditorNode::_open_file() which opens file same as Quick Open Resource.

Incomplete but Working ProtoType: NBYS1r74FW

Cmd-plt (1) Flow : cmd-plt-flow


Complete Picture:

