Vizia is a declarative GUI framework for the Rust programming language.
A simple counter application. Run with cargo run --example counter
use vizia::prelude::*;
// Define some model data
pub struct AppData {
count: i32,
// Define events to mutate the data
pub enum AppEvent {
// Describe how the data can be mutated
impl Model for AppData {
fn event(&mut self, _: &mut EventContext, event: &mut Event) {|app_event, _| match app_event {
AppEvent::Increment => {
self.count += 1;
fn main() {
Application::new(|cx| {
// Build the model data into the tree
AppData { count: 0 }.build(cx);
HStack::new(cx, |cx| {
// Declare a button which emits an event
Button::new(cx, |cx| cx.emit(AppEvent::Increment), |cx| Label::new(cx, "Increment"));
// Declare a label which is bound to part of the model, updating if it changes
Label::new(cx, AppData::count).width(Pixels(50.0));
.inner_size((400, 100))
- Multiplatform (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Web)
- Declarative API
- Reactive event-driven data system
- Flexible layout engine, powered by morphorm
- GPU rendering, powered by femtovg
- CSS styling with hot reloading
- Property animations
- Audio plugin GUI development
A full list of examples is included in the repository.
To run an example with the winit (default) windowing backend:
cargo run --release --example name_of_example
To run an example with the baseview windowing backend:
cargo run --release --example name_of_example --no-default-features --features baseview
To run an example as a web application, first ensure that the wasm32-unknown-unknown
toolchain is installed:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Then run an example with the following:
cargo run-wasm --release --example name_of_example
NOTE - Some examples are not compatible with the web target.
For help with vizia, or to get involved with contributing to the project, come join us on our discord.
Vizia is licensed under MIT.
Fonts used in Vizia:
- Roboto licensed under Apache license.
- Open Sans Emoji licensed under Apache license.
- Amiri licensed under Open Font License.
- Entypo licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
- Material Icons licensed under Apache license.
Vizia logo designed by Lunae Somnia.