
This is the repo for all the helper scripts and executables to push and pull between a local machine and HAL (in NCSA, UIUC).

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is the repo for all the helper scripts and executables to push and pull between a local machine and HAL (in NCSA, UIUC).

Steps to Use (all on local machine)

  • Install expect using command line, like brew install expect or sudo apt install expect.
  • Move the two .exp files into your workdir.
  • Create a file called account.key in the same dir, and input your account for HAL in the first line, and password for HAL in the second line. example:
  • If you want to pull, you will pull the whole dir with all the single files using expect pull.exp <dir_name>. If your files is in a subdir, you have to pull them one more time.
  • If you want to push, you can only push one file at a time, using expect push.exp <dir_name/file_name>.
  • After executing expect, you will find your DUO software on your mobile devices pushes you a notification to sign in. Please choose Approve.


Play with the code

You can always change the script as you like. Reading through it is more than simple. Enjoy!