
This repo is the replication repo for the project Codex for Moral Value Prediction in Low Resource Scenario.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Working Pipeline


Set up environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download dataset

a. Twitter Corpus (MFTC): here, save to data/moral/raw/MFTC_V4_text.json b. Reddit Corpus (MFRC): here, save to data/moral/raw/final_mfrc_data.csv

Process the raw datasets to jsonl format:

python3 src/scripts/data/convert_raw_to_jsonl.py \
    --input data/moral/raw/MFTC_V4_text.json \
    --output-dir data/moral/interim/formatted

python3 src/scripts/data/convert_raw_to_jsonl.py \
    --input data/moral/raw/final_mfrc_data.csv \
    --output-dir data/moral/interim/formatted \

Convert the jsonl format to the stratified k-fold format required by the pipeline:

python3 src/scripts/data/stratified_kfold_split.py \
    --input data/moral/interim/formatted/twitter.jsonl \
    --output-dir data/moral/interim/split \
python3 src/scripts/data/stratified_kfold_split.py \
    --input data/moral/interim/formatted/reddit.jsonl \
    --output-dir data/moral/interim/split \
    --k-fold=5 \

Do train-test split

Split the data in train and test set.

The test set is used to evaluate the model on unseen data. The train set is used to be prepended to the prompt as context.

If you're splitting the reddit dataset, add a --reddit flag to the script.

If you want to obtain a binary classification dataset, add a --binary flag to the script.

For example, if you want a multi-class twitter dataset split into train and test set, use the following command:

python3 src/scripts/data/train_test_split.py \
    --input data/moral/interim/split/twitter.jsonl \
    --output-dir data/moral/interim/train_test/twitter


BERT Baseline for Classification

Binary Classification

BERT Binary classification merges all classes into two classes: moral and non-moral. The moral class is the union of all moral classes, and the non-moral class is the union of all non-moral classes.

cd src/scripts/model
nohup python3 cls_bert_binary.py > nohup_bert_binary_cls.out &
cd ../../../


BERT Multi-class classification keeps all classes.

cd src/scripts/model
nohup python3 cls_bert_multiclass.py > ../../../nohup_bert_multiclass_cls.out &
cd ../../../

Low-resource Scenario

If you want to get into or out of the low-resource scenario, you may want to look into train_test_split.py, cls_bert_multiclass.py, and also cls_bert_multiclass.py and change them per need.

Codex for Classification

Preprocess the train data into text prompts

see src/scripts/data/process_moral_dataset_prompt.ipynb

Preprocess the train data into code prompts

You can change the number of examples per class per need.

python3 src/scripts/data/process_moral_dataset_code.py \
    --input-test-filepath data/moral/interim/train_test/twitter/test.json \
    --input-train-filepath data/moral/interim/train_test/twitter/train.json \
    --code-context-filepath data/moral/interim/contexts/twitter/baseline.py \
    --output-filedir data/moral/processed/twitter/code/baseline-5ex \
    --n-examples-per-class 5

Alternatively, you can add a --reddit flag to process the reddit dataset.


After modifying the last line script codex-infer.sh, you can run this script to inference data using Codex:

nohup bash src/scripts/model/codex-infer.sh > nohup_codex_infer_reddit.out &

Note that this script will run src/scripts/model/openai-model.py, which has the following features:

  1. Rate limit error handler.
  2. Hot restart (if the script is interrupted, it will restart from the last checkpoint).

It's recommended to use this script for inferencing Codex.


BERT evaluation

As a jupyter notebook, both binary and multi-class classification are evaluated in the same notebook. Choose the appropriate cell to run.

see src/scripts/eval/eval_inferred_bert.ipynb

Codex evaluation

Still, as a jupyter notebook, both binary and multi-class classification are evaluated in the same notebook. Choose the appropriate cell to run.

see src/scripts/eval/eval_inferred_codex.ipynb