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Core smart contracts for the Squidoshi token ecosystem
Deployer address: 0x693cd5d61ca68c5e30A7aE408D2E3dc6994F090e
Token Name: TEMP2
Squidoshi address: 0x3068Cec00629De76B477B891AAc512340D1932B3
SquidoshiReflector address: 0x89fA924487C0883711fE4B2eC2201c46829Ab8d7
SquidoshiSmartLottery address: 0xA05f3A4a9927C09D1d8cd8501cEf58283eFc6A53
Adding TEMP/BUSD Liquidity:
Register pair address:
Buying TEMP2 from another wallet:
You will notice that the buyers bought with BNB, which was swapped to BUSD, and then to TEMP2. Also notice that there is no tax on this transaction, again 😲.
Deployer address: 0x693cd5d61ca68c5e30A7aE408D2E3dc6994F090e
Token Name: TEMP
Token Address: 0x538B1ECf45770fcF06eaEBFDBc81a27973B3a39D
Reflector address: 0xA37ddaca297f32296a0D98f554De50C6618b0363
SmartLottery address: 0x440cAE1A53B8b055d8B36B5a08d748d39Df84338
Adding TEMP/BUSD Liquidity Tx link:
Buying TEMP from another wallet Tx link:
You will notice that the buyers bought with BNB, which was swapped to DAI, then to BUSD, and then to TEMP. Also notice that there is no tax on this transaction 😲
Remove TEMP/BUSD Liquidity Tx link:
Buying TEMP from another wallet (again) Tx link:
This time, it was a direct swap from the TEMP/BNB pool (since there's no liquidity in the TEMP/BUSD pool), and a fee of 12% applied.
Selling TEMP Tx link:
We can see a fee of 12% applied. Moreover, all holders got reflection, and the vault/marketing wallets got their share of BNB.