
UMX is a tool for OPC UA developers to create Information Models to generate OPC UA compliant Nodesets for use in OPC UA Servers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OPC UA Modeling eXcelerator (UMX)

UMX is a tool for OPC UA developers to create Infromation Models to generate OPC UA compliant Nodesets for use in OPC UA Servers.

We maintain a set of compiled setup binaries on our website at https://beeond.net/

Its models are saved into ModelDesign compliant XML files and can be compiled to generate UANodeset files.

For more information on ModelDesign and Nodeset files, please visit https://github.com/OPCFoundation/UA-ModelCompiler

To learn how to develop OPC UA applications, consider registering for our official trainings at https://beeond.net/opc-ua-developer-training/

Buiding instructions

Linux (Note that umx did not undergo intensive testing in linux.) :

  • Install the required libraries.

  • Compile umx

    • cd to the umx directory cloned from git
    • copy _Make.linux.properties Make.linux.properties (Copy the user sample template for linux Makefile include)
    • Configure/Edit the Makefile.linux.properties. Property values vary depending on the installation paths of the required libraries.
    • make
  • Run umx

    • ./eXcelerator


  • Install the required libraries.

  • Compile umx

    • Open MinGW-w64 "Run Terminal" (There shoud be a shortcut in the Programs/Apps created from the installation.)
      • cd to the umx directory cloned from git
      • cp _Make.win.properties Make.win.properties (Copy the user sample template for windows Makefile include)
      • Configure/Edit the Makefile.windows.properties. Property values vary depending on the installation paths of the required libraries(MinGW-w64, wxWidgets, xerces and xsd).
      • mingw32-make
  • Run (Put this in a batch file.)

    • set PATH=%PATH%;<PATH_EXTRACTED>\wxWidgets-3.1.1\lib\gcc_dll;<PATH_EXTRACTED>\xerces-c-3.1.2-mingw32-4.9.3-dll-3\bin;<PATH_INSTALLED>\mingw-w64\i686-7.2.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1\mingw32\bin
    • eXcelerator.exe


  • Always use Code::Blocks wxSmith to modify the UI for ease of UI maintenance and modification.
  • TODO: Add notes on the changes of the opc schema ModelDesign element complex type reordering of the children.

TODO/Nice to have

  • Rebuild xsd synthesis ModelDesign schema with std=c++11 so we can get rid of the deprecated auto_ptr and replace it with shared_ptr.
  • Update those UI dialogs and panels (e.g. wxProjectDialog, wxAbout) that are not using layout. We want to have a consistent UI across platforms.
  • Convert to CMake.
  • Add a layer of classes to the node elements so we can replace all the 'if' clause with polymorphic calls.
  • Add a new attribute to the opc schema e.g. access=readonly . This will replace the StringId hack.
  • If we can just determine the prefix from the element, we would not need to use the StringId attribute workaround. This may be a potential issue in the future if StringId attribute is added to the wxNodePanel.
  • Remove wx prefixes of the UI classes(wxNodePanel to just PanelNode) to avoid the notion that this is part of the wxWidget core classes.
  • Add/Edit/Delete namespaces in the Project Setting dialog.
  • Revisit the logic for assigning a prefix on a new element created from a BaseType. Not solid.
  • Modify the Makefile to detect header changes.