
Simple bash script for downloading and adding of online whitelists. For example Anudeep's whitelist

Primary LanguageShell


A noob bash script for downloading and adding online whitelists to hblock. For example Anudeep's whitelist. The script also updates the hblock. The default whitelists are Anudeep's list and CoinBlocker list.

I assume the hosts list for the domains to be blocked are located in /etc/hblock/sources.list . Note that every entry must separated by a blank line. I have put an example of sorces.list file with the suggested entries from firebog.net.


Simply download the script and don't forget to make it executable with sudo chmod +x <PATH_TO_Update_hosts.sh>.

If you want to use also the sources provided as an example here, you can download it and move it to /etc/hblock/ or execute this command: sudo wget --output-document=/etc/hblock/soures.list https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Biasio/Simple-script-for-Whitelists-management-in-hblock-Linux-/main/sources.list


You can execute the script manually, but my suggestion is to add it to crontab, to be executed automatically for example once a week. You can add it with the command crontab -e and adding a line like: 0 11 * * 1 '<PATH_TO_Update_hosts.sh>' to be executed at 11 a.m. every week. You can change the whitelists by changing the links after wget at the top of the script. You can add also custom entries that are not online (I have already included reddit.com and gitlab.com)

If you have any suggestions let me know!

Disclaimer: This software is provided as is, witout any kind of warranty. I'm not the author of any of the lists linked to this script and so not responsible for any security risk associated with those.