Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

In this task, I have tried to replicate the Heroku Signup Page. I have used React and firebase for this project. I have also used some libraries like formik, yup, ant design. I have implemented the basic UI and also added the authentication through email feature with the help of firebase which send a email to the submitted email address and then from there a user can verify and get registed.

  1. Challenges faced while building this & how you overcame those? This task brought up some major challenges infront of me. In this task, I needed to figure out things how to use formik for form state management, I needed to figure what what are style guides in development. Although figuring out how to deal with style guides was too much for me handle, I did my best even though I could but I could not achieve it completely.

  2. What new things that you learned while building this application? I learned about Formik and Yup which helps in form state managenment and from state validation, they actually make it so easy that I might use it in every project from now on. The most important thing I learned from this task was about style guides. I was able to learn about what are style guides, why are they used and how are they used, and learning this gave me the answer of why developers use .eslintrc file and .prettierc file in there project

  3. What component or a piece of code are you most proud of? Well the piece of code that I am most proud of should be the few lines of code that I wrote in .eslintrc.json file because these few lines of code helped me gave a proper and consistent structure to my whole project.