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Make a simple form, execute the following event handlers. The form should contain 3 inputs - name, profession and age. All of these values are required. By default as soon as the user goes on the screen they see the default view with 0 added employees. A function is executed on click of this button which appends an object into an array. As they keep adding employees this array is mapped to show the data below Added Employees An error message is shown in red if the required fields are empty. A success message is shown in green if the fields are filled and the employee was added successfully. The structure of the array should be - [{id:1,name:"jack",profession:"developer",age:20}, {id:2,name:"john",profession:"admin",age:28}.... and so on] (The ID is given automatically) On clicking of the delete user button that specific object should be removed from the array and the div should disappear. Marking Scheme (100 Marks) User interface (UI) design: 20 marks The form should have 3 inputs for name, profession, and age. The form should have a button for adding employees. The UI should display the list of added employees The UI should display a success message in green and an error message in red.