Java Complete Guide Repository

Welcome to the Java Complete Guide Repository! This repository contains comprehensive resources and examples to help you learn Java programming from the basics to advanced topics.


  • .vscode: This folder likely contains configuration files for Visual Studio Code, a popular code editor.
  • Array: Explore Java arrays, including how to declare, initialize, and manipulate arrays in Java.
  • Bit Manipulation: Learn about bitwise operations and bit manipulation techniques in Java.
  • Control Statements: Discover Java control statements such as if-else, switch-case, loops (for, while, do-while), etc.
  • Data Types: Understand the different data types available in Java, including primitive and reference types.
  • DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms): Dive into fundamental data structures and algorithms implemented in Java.
  • Functions: Explore methods and functions in Java, including how to define and call them.
  • Input Stream: Learn about input streams in Java for reading data from different sources.
  • OOPs (Object-Oriented Programming): Understand the principles of object-oriented programming in Java, including classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
  • Operators: Explore various operators available in Java, including arithmetic, bitwise, logical, and relational operators.
  • Practice: This folder may contain practice exercises or projects to reinforce your Java skills.
  • Special Keywords: Explore special keywords and constructs in Java, such as this, super, static, etc.
  • HelloWorld: This folder might contain a simple "Hello, World!" program, often used as the first example in learning a new programming language.

Feel free to explore the contents of each folder to deepen your understanding of Java programming concepts.