
Weather API - Min, Max, Avg, Median temperature for given city and period.

Primary LanguagePython



User story:

As an API user I want to get min, max, average and median temperature and humidity for given city and period of time.


  • Use git for version control
  • Publish on GitHub or send us a compressed repo
  • Functionality
    • Create locally running RESTful web API
      • django-rest-framework recommended, though not necessary
    • that accepts a request with 'city' and 'period' args
    • fetches weather data for that location and period of time from some public API
      • e.g. Yahoo! Weather
    • computes min, max, average and median temperature and humidity for that location and period and returns that to the user.

Extra goals:

  • Provide a view which renders a bar chart for the requested data.
  • Deploy it somewhere.

Local development


  1. Download the project
  • $ git clone https://github.com/BibianaC/weather.git
  1. Install dependencies
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install -r requirements.test
  1. Set up external weather api
  • Signup for a free API key on the OWM website
    • Create settings.py with the API key
      • $ echo "WEATHER_API_KEY = 'your OWM key'" > settings.py


  • Server $ python manage.py runserver
    • url localhost/api/v0/weather/City,country/days/
      • Example: localhost:8000/api/v0/weather/London,uk/7/
      • Maximum quantity of days is 7.
  • Tests $ py.test