- Python Programming language
- Python 2 vs Python 3
- Python vs other languages
- Installing python and your first python program
- How python runs
- Interpreter and compilers
- Semantics, Syntax, and Lexing
- Keywords
- Intro to REPL
- Virtual Environments in python
- Operators (Numeric operator, floating point accuracy, Unary and Bitwise Operators, Boolean operators comparison operators, Operator Priority)
- Comments
- Strings and its operators
- Booleans and numbers (Integers, floats, scientific notations)
- Typecasting
- Input function
- Print function
- User Input from within python and through command line
- Strings, string function, methods and slicing
- Introduction to List
- List Functions and Methods
- Nested List
- Intro to tuples and dictionaries
- Dictionary Methods
- Sets
- If else and elif
- Pass and range keyword
- While and for loop and else
- Nesting Loops and Conditionals
- Break and continue
- List comprehension
- Creating Functions
- Parameters and Arguments
- Recursion
- Anonymous Function, lambdas
- Global, local and non-local
- Python Scopes
- Shadowing (Hiding Names)
- Reading and writing to Files
- Context Managers
- Python Exception
- Exception Handling
- Modules
- Variants of modules
- __name__
- Packages in Python
- Object Oriented Programming
- Python Class
- Python Inheritance
- Super keyword