
Ultimate Urban Terror Config

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

						 _  __                 _  _  __ _    
						| |/ / _ _  ___  _ _  (_)| |/ /( )___
						| ' < | '_|/ _ \| ' \ | || ' < |/(_-<
						|_|\_\|_|  \___/|_||_||_||_|\_\  /__/
							Contact: Daniel@nusalaska.com
						(origionally Created by RexGoodthings)


Features of this Config

  • Scrollable Menus for selecting gear loadouts as well as rcon functions etc.
  • Easy access to changing senstivinty
  • Easy access to changing Volume
  • Easy access to standard radio commands
  • A Demo watching mode that has many keys set up for recording demos
  • A Jump mode with many jump related binds availabe
  • Standard Config is Set up for ESDF players
  • Numpad buttons set up to easily change HUD settings

Almost EVERY single option available in UrT is set up with some form of key bind

How to install this config

  1. Navagate to your Urban Terror Directory and enter the q3ut4 folder
  2. Rename the file "autoexec.cfg" to "default_autoexec.cfg"
  3. Copy in the new "autoexec.cfg" file and the "cfg" folder

You are now ready to go

How to Edit the Key Bindings

The config is split up into several different files, all located within the "cfg" folder. Within each file, All lines are clearly commented with what each keybind does.

To start out, you can take a look at the autoexec.cfg file, as it will lead you to the main files which are used.

To change which key is bound to a specific function, simply change it in the appropriate .cfg file.

The Big List Of Key Binds

In the following section I wil list Literally every single key bind. This should allow you to test everything out before making changes.

1. Movement Key Binds (DEFAULT)

Forward E
Backward D
Strafe Left S
Strafe Right F
Sprint A //I know this is weird, change it if you want
Crouch C
Walk [Toggle] CAPSLOCK
Walk [Hold] SHIFT
Open Door CTRL
Med R
Reload T

2. Weapon and Item Key Binds

Weapon mode N
Pull Out Sidearm W
Select Knife 1
Select Nade 2 //Has Large map mod to avoid Teammates
Weap Toggle 3 //Toggles between primary and secondary weapons
Quick Scope 4 //Zooms the weapon in Twice
Show Items ' //Allows you to scroll through your items
Scope In Right Click
Reset Zoom Mouse Wheel Down
Attack Left Click
Toggle Secondary Mouse Wheel Up
Drop Current Weapon Q
Drop Kevlar H

3. Misc Key Binds

Scoreboard TAB
Show Console ~
Standard Chat ENTER
Team Chat Y
Std. Radio Menu U
Vote Yes F1
Vote No F2
Take Screenshot F11
Record Demo F12
Mute Volume \
Jump Mode 9
Demo View Mode PAUSE

4. Team Select

Join Blue PGUP
Join rd PGDN
Spectate HOME
Auto Join END

5. Live Adjustments
There are several live adjustments that are available.

Increase Live Adjustment ]
Decrease Live Adjustment [

The default adjustment is game volume, However when holding down the following keys and then hitting the live adjustment keys, you can adjust the following settings:

Field of View Hold P and then tap live adjustment key
Sensitivity Hold O and then tap live adjustment key

6. Temp Keys
These Keys are rebind-able via menus (See Next Section)

Primary G
Secondary V

7. Scrollable Menus
To use the scrollable menus, simply press the key to display the menu. Then use the scroll wheel on your mouse to highlight and select different options. When you have the selection you want highlighted, simply RIGHT CLICK to select that option or use MIDDLE MOUSE button to cancel out of the menu.

Several of the scrollable menus have more than one page. For example, when you press 6 you will see the first page of the rcon menu. Press 6 again to see the second page.

Gear Loadouts 5
Rcon Menu 6
Set Temp Keys 7
Set Character Presets 8
General Radio B
Connect/Quit F5
Info Menu F6
Cancel Out of Menu Middle Mouse Button
Select Menu Item Right Click

8. Keypad Binds
The Number Pad can be used for several functions. The default is for HUD options. All of the following keys are specific to the number pad

Show Default Binds .
Show Team Chat Binds 0
Show Radio Binds ENTER
Show xlrstats Binds -

9. Third Person

Toggle Third Person 0
Closer Up Arrow
Farther Down Arrow
Left Left Arrow
Right Right Arrow

10. Demo Mode You Can Enter Demo Mode by pressing PAUSE. Once you are in demo mode, then the following options are available:

Exit Demo Mode PAUSE
Slow Playback Page Down
Speed up Playback Page Up
//camera movements only available in 3rd person view
Move Camera Back Down Arrow
Move Camera Closer Up Arrow
Move Camera Right Right Arrow
Move Camera Left Left Arrow
Demo Volume Increase Num Pad Plus
Demo Volume Decrease Num Pad Minus
Show Normals END
Toggle Third Person ViewDEL
Screenshot F11
Record AVI F12

Also available in Demo Mode are the HUD controls which are the default Num Pad key bindings.

Temp Key Mods

Under the Temp keys, there are several interesting mods which were set up by the original creator of this config, RexGoodthings. Some you might find handy, others you might find strange. But here is a list of each one of the mods and what it does. Again, these temp keys can be found and set in the bindsMain.cfg:

Jump Mode:
I personally created this Temp Key set up for Jumpers.

  • Start/Stop Timer Primary
  • Bring Up the Jump Menu Secondary

Inside the Jump Menu you will find save/load options, regainstamina toggle, cl_ghost toggle, allowgoto toggle, and a kill command.

The CTF mode sets up some keys for CTF specific Play

  • Drop Flag Primary
  • CTF Chat Menu Secondary

Gear Keys:

  • The Primary Key allows you to scroll through all the inventory items with your scroll wheel as long as it is held down. If you right click while this button is held down and an inventory Item is selected, you will drop this item.
  • The Secondary Key allows you to Activate or Deactivate Items in your inventory. Once you select an Item with your Primary key, pressing the secondary key will either activate or deactivate that item which was selected. The Primary key does not need to be held down to activate or deactivate an item

Gear Mouse:

  • This one is not very useful but I'll keep it in here. With this mode you hold the Primary key to allow you to scroll through your items, similarly to the Gear Keys mode. The Secondary key is also the same as the Gear Keys. However when you release the Primary key, this puts the game into "Gear Mode" and will display that in the console. This mode is also denoted by a Large red crosshair in the center of the screen. You can then use Right Click to activate or deactivate the selected item. To exit this "Gear Mode" simply press the Middle Mouse Button


  • Drop Medkit Primary
  • Say "Stand Guard While I Med" Secondary

This is the standard use for the Temp Keys

  • Hold Primary to scroll through items
  • Chat Menu Secondary

Ninja Knife:
This one is rather useful. Knife Mode is the same as hitting 1. It brings up a large circular Crosshair to show that you are in knife mode, and if you Right Click it will toggle between slash and throw. The Nade Mode will bring up your nade and give you a large minimap to easily spot and avoid nading your friends.

  • Enter Knife Mode Primary
  • Nade Mode W/ Map Secondary

Steady Keys:
This mode is handy for Sniping. SlowHands Lowers your sensitivity and Quickscope is an instant double zoom.

  • SlowHands Primary
  • Quickscope Secondary

Steady Mouse:
A Secondary Sniping mode

  • SlowHands Primary
  • Quckscope & Slowhands Secondary

Custom: You can customize what each Temp Button does by continuing to page 2 and 3 of the Temp Keys menu (press 7).

How to Create Custom Personas

With this config you can easily and quickly change between 3+ personas, each with their own name, armband color, body type, and funstuff.

You can easily edit your personas by going into the data folder and editing everything in the Character config files. In order to add more than the current 3, you can do this by editing the menuPlayer_a.cfg in the step folder. See my example below on how to edit the scrollable menus before you mess with that.

How to set up auto rcon logins

You can set up rcon passwords for quick and simple logins with this config.

You will have to first edit one of the rconpass config files found in the data folder and then I would suggest editing the menuRCON_b.cfg found in the step folder. Details on how to edit the menu config files can be found below.

Some common commands you might see and not recognize in the config files

exec /cfg/bindsMain.cfg - This loads a file into Urban Terror and runs any commands it finds in the file.

set varName "[commands here]" - this creates a user created command which can be run anywhere in any of the .cfg files as long as there has been an exec to call that .cfg file.

vstr varName - This runs a user created command

ut_echo "Stuff" - This displays the text "Stuff" in the top left corner of the Urban Terror Screen

; - This strings commands together.

How to Adjust Scrollable Menus & Live Adjustments

There are several different scrollable menus available. The actual menus and what each item does can be configured in the appropriate .cfg file found in the "step" folder.

Now changing what is in one of these .cfg files can be tricky and quite time consuming.

In order to change the output, you not only have to change what command is run, but also what is displayed on the screen.

In general the config files are laid out with the following format:


The NAME describes what menu is in the .cfg
the _a shows that it is the first page of that menu. _b would be the second page etc.

Inside you will see some code which both displays a menu on the screen as well as the actual command which will be run for each menu Item. Currently there is a maximum of 9 items per menu. If you have more items than this, I would suggest setting up another page for your additional items, or setting up your primary menu to have items which take you to a sub menu. To see an example of this sub menu Idea, take a look at menuGear_a.cfg

There is a different .cfg file which allows these scroll menus to work. You can modify it by editing the

Example Scrolling menu .cfg

Here is an example of a menu .cfg with everything commented to describe how it works. The menu I am using as an example is menuConnect_a.cfg

//This sets the menu at step01 when the menu loads
set stepRecall vstr step01 

The code below sets the command "connectMenu" to be the second page. This way the next time the F5 Key is pressed, it will show page 2 which is menuConnect_b.cfg

set connectMenu "exec /cfg/step/menuConnect_b.cfg"

The code below sets up the default menu with nothing highlighted. To be more specific we are setting variables which we can use later. The carat + number denotes a color for all text following it. So for example ^7 will make all text after it white. You will see later how we use other colors to show which option we are selecting. One other note, the vstr blnk; is a pre-set variable which simply adds some space in.

set internal_A "vstr blnk;  ut_echo ^0*****^5LIVE CONNECT^0*****"
set internal_B "ut_echo ^7CTFEast|CTF.....FA|CTF.....KSL|SR8"
set internal_C "ut_echo ^7CC|TDM.....DSG|TDM.....Nex|Bomb"
set internal_D "ut_echo ^7KroniK's|Icy.....GORE|Easy.....GORE|Pro"

Below are the actual commands which are run for each step. Notice we leave the first step blank and the last step blank. This is because we want the first step to take us to the last menu item and the last step to take us to the first menu item. You will see how this works in the next section

set data_A_00 ""
set data_A_01 "connect"			//CTF East
set data_A_02 "connect"		//FA
set data_A_03 "connect"    	//KSL
set data_A_04 "connect"		//CC
set data_A_05 "connect"       	//DSG
set data_A_06 "connect"			//Nexunity
set data_A_07 "connect"		//KroniK's
set data_A_08 "connect"		//Gore Easy
set data_A_09 "connect" 		//Gore Pro
set data_A_10 ""

Now for each step, we need some way of showing which command we are selecting. To do this we will put an arrow to the left of the option and make the option turn pink. We will do this with our carat + Number method I described earlier. Also, notice how I don't write out every line of the menu. I simply run 'vstr internal_A' and it will run everything which was set in 'internal_A' above.

set data_B_00 "vstr step09" 
set data_B_01 "vstr internal_A; ut_echo ^2->^6CTFEast|CTF^7..FA|CTF.....KSL|SR8; vstr internal_C; vstr internal_D"   
set data_B_02 "vstr internal_A; ut_echo ^7CTFEast|CTF.....^2->^6FA|CTF^7..KSL|SR8; vstr internal_C; vstr internal_D"
set data_B_03 "vstr internal_A; ut_echo ^7CTFEast|CTF.....FA|CTF.....^2->^6KSL|SR8; vstr internal_C; vstr internal_D" 
set data_B_04 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; ut_echo ^2->^6CC|TDM^7..DSG|TDM.....Nex|Bomb; vstr internal_D"  
set data_B_05 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; ut_echo CC|TDM.....^2->^6DSG|TDM^7..Nex|Bomb; vstr internal_D" 
set data_B_06 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; ut_echo CC|TDM.....DSG|TDM.....^2->^6Nex|Bomb; vstr internal_D"
set data_B_07 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; vstr internal_C; ut_echo ^2->^6KroniK's|Icy^7..GORE|Easy.....GORE|Pro"
set data_B_08 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; vstr internal_C; ut_echo ^7KroniK's|Icy.....^2->^6GORE|Easy^7..GORE|Pro"
set data_B_09 "vstr internal_A; vstr internal_B; vstr internal_C; ut_echo ^7KroniK's|Icy.....GORE|Easy.....^2->^6GORE|Pro"   
set data_B_10 "step01"

So as an example, if you wanted to change one of the above servers, you would first change the name under the internal_X variable, you would then change the appropriate command, and then you would change the name shown in all of the data_B_xx steps which do not reference it by the internal_X variable.

Again, changing this stuff takes a bit of time and effort, but some of these menus are very nifty.

On a related note, the Live Adjustments don't require most of those steps. All you need to do is change the commands and leave everything else blank like it already is.