
Machine Learning and Computer Vision project to detect face, eye, body and general objets in static image or video.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a project about Machine Learning and Computer Vision using OpenCV and Trained Cascasdes to detect face, body, smile, and others objects in image or video.



faith connors

car 1

face and eyes detection

face and eyes detection 2

How Install 📑

# Create folder for store the files, like 'GeneralDetection'

Cascades (Haar Cascade) is a XML file trained with positives and negatives images to fast
detection of objects, body parts and whatever. Method created by Paul Viola and Michael Jones

# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/BieAnimaton/Image-Detection

# Install the dependencies
pip install opencv-python or install from IDE (PyCharm for example).

Use  "cascades" folder to set your cascade XML from detection. 
Use "pessoas" or "others" to select a image to start the detection.

# To start
python "video detection.py" 
python [others .py files]

# The project messages will appear on console

Features 🛠️

  • Python 3.7
  • OpenCV