
Cybersecurity scripts created and used during the AFA CyberPatriot VIII competition

Primary LanguageShell

AFACP Scripts

Scripts created and used during the AFACP VIII competition

Ubuntu Script / Debian Script / Mint Script / Fedora Script


  • Log file is created to date and describe all events
  • Verify script is being run as root
  • Backs up all critical files
  • Add/Remove users
  • Modify user privileges
  • Change user passwords
  • Remove alias
  • Lock root account
  • Set correct permissions for shadow
  • Remove unnecessary user directories in /home/
  • Remove startup scripts
  • Enable firewall
  • Fix Shellshock Bash vulnerability
  • Set hosts file to defaults
  • Secure LightDM
  • Remove scripts in /bin/
  • Disable IRQ Balance
  • Configure sysctl
  • Enable/Disable IPv6
  • Add (and configure)/Remove samba
  • Add (and configure)/Remove ftp
  • Add (and configure)/Remove ssh
  • Add (and configure)/Remove telnet
  • Add (and configure)/Remove mail
  • Add (and configure)/Remove printing
  • Add (and configure)/Remove MySQL
  • Add (and configure)/Remove web servers
  • Add (and configure)/Remove dns
  • Remove all media files
  • List all files with a file permission of 700-777
  • List all PHP files
  • Remove netcat, John the Ripper, Hydra, Aircrack-NG, FCrackZIP, LCrack, OphCrack, PDFCrack, Pyrit, RARCrack, SipCrack, IRPAS, LogKeys, Zeitgeist, NFS, NGINX, Inetd, VNC, and SNMP
  • Set login.defs and pam.d password policies
  • Deny false loopback packets
  • Disable Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot
  • Install AppArmor
  • Remove startup tasks from crontab
  • Allow only root in cron
  • Add apt repositories
  • Check and perform updates and operating system upgrades
  • Remove unused packages
  • Fix OpenSSL Heart Bleed bug
  • Set UID 0 to root
  • Create backups/logs for comparatives script

Ubuntu, Mint, Debian Options Script / Fedora Options Script

Allows the user to use the following programs:

  • HTOP (Task Manager)
  • Nmap (Network Mapper)
  • ClamAV (Anti-Virus)
  • RKHunter (Anti-Rootkit)
  • CHKRootkit (Anti-Rootkit)
  • Unhide (Shows Hidden Processes & TCP/UDP Ports)
  • Lynis (Security Auditing)
  • Bum (GUI for Startup Scripts & Services)
  • HardInfo (Hardware Analysis, System Benchmark, & Report Generator)

Comparative Script

Uses the program Diffuse to compare various system files between the current files and the default system files as of January 21, 2016. Diffuse shows the differences in text between the two files using colored highlighting.