
A dockerized cowrie

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A dockerized cowrie


Run docker-compose build which will create a docker image based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with cowrie installed. Afterwards, edit the default cowrie configuration file in etc/cowrie.cfg and edit the sensorname and hostname. Now edit the .env file and add the IP-address of your Splunk server where we should forward all cowrie events to.

You also want to give the Docker container full access to the directories dl, etc and log by running this command: chmod -R 777 dl etc log.

Now run the container with docker-compose up and see if it works. Run this command with -d to run it in the background.

You can connect to the honeypot using ssh localhost -p 2222 -l root.

Short install

git clone https://github.com/HoneyNED/cowrie-docker.git
cd ./cowrie-docker
sudo docker-compose build
vim ./etc/cowrie.cfg
vim .env
chmod -R 777 dl etc log
sudo docker-compose up -d
tail -f ./log/cowrie.json