
An SMTP Honeypot

Primary LanguagePython


Mailoney is a SMTP Honeypot I wrote just to have fun learning Python. The Open Relay module emulates an Open Relay and writes attempted emails to a log file. Similarly, the Authentication modules will capture credentials and write those to a log file.


You'll likely need to run this with elevated permissions as required to open sockets on special ports.

python mailoney.py -s mailbox <options>

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit
  -i <ip address>       The IP address to listen on (defaults to localhost)
  -p <port>             The port to listen on (defaults to 25)
  -s mailserver         This will generate a fake hostname
  -t <type>		HoneyPot type
	open_relay	Emulates an open relay 
	postfix_creds   Emulates PostFix authentication server, collects credentials
python mailoney.py -s mailbox -i -p 990 -t postfix_creds


  • Add modules for EXIM, Microsoft, others
  • Build in Error Handling
  • Add a Daemon flag to background process.
  • Secure this by not requiring elevated perms, port forward from port 25.