Predict how many points an European football team will end the season with, according to the characteristics of its players. Project for the Big Data Computing course at Sapienza University of Rome (2021-22)
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 0
Remove ipyimpl import
#11 opened by davquar - 0
[Code] Improve memory usage
#4 opened by davquar - 0
Add local/colab environment handling
#10 opened by davquar - 0
Handling of pre-15 datasets
#2 opened by davquar - 1
[Regression] Evaluate associating football players with end of season points, rather than football teams with points
#9 opened by dansolombrino - 1
- 1
[Data cleaning] Cleanup club names
#7 opened by davquar - 0
[Code] Treat macro_roles as integer
#5 opened by davquar - 0
[Data loading] understand whether it's ok to work with Pandas, rather than PySpark
#1 opened by dansolombrino