
My absolutely amazing readme.

Hello 👋

My name is Petr Pivoňka and I do stuff under the alias BigBang1112 and/or Realnest.

My development journey started when I was 9 years old with web development, and accelerated with thenewboston C# YouTube tutorials. I enjoyed attending programming competitions in České Budějovice until high school (my best being 3rd in CZ) and somehow went nuts in Trackmania coding projects, earlier with ManiaScript (ingame scripting language), but now with C#.

I'm trying my best at C#, Lua, and I'm currently learning Rust.

I'm an "occasional" videomaker with over 300 videos on YouTube and I also produce Drum & Bass music under the Realnest moniker with 50+ finished (200+ unfinished) musical projects.

Some of my currently active projects

Additional experience

Blazor, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, Discord.NET, Source Generators (Roslyn), GitHub Actions, Docker, SQL, Python, PHP, Terraform

(ordered by more experienced to less experienced)
