
UptimeKuma v2 condition error

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When using this with UptimeKuma v2 I am getting errors on creation…

WARN [autokuma::sync] Encountered error during sync: Server responded with an error: insert into monitor (accepted_statuscodes_json, conditions, docker_container, interval, kafka_producer_brokers, kafka_producer_sasl_options, maxretries, name, parent, rabbitmq_nodes, retry_interval, type, user_id) values ('["200-299"]', NULL, 'monitoring-autokuma-1', 60, NULL, NULL, 3, '"AutoKuma"', NULL, NULL, 60, 'docker', 1) - SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: NOT NULL constraint failed: monitor.conditions

It seems that the “conditions” value cannot be null.

is v2 supported? Is there a way to set “conditions” to an appropriate value?

Hi, uptime kuma v2 is not yet supported

See #99