Pinned issues
- 2
Kuma CLI
#100 opened by lordlightman - 0
Failed to deserialize JSON: invalid length 1, expected struct GenericResourcesInner with 2 elements at line 1 column 40641
#104 opened by papirov - 0
Examples do not include headers
#103 opened by johntdyer - 0
Hooking up existing notification
#102 opened by lordlightman - 0
Monitor is constantly updating
#101 opened by lordlightman - 12
Running AutoKuma in Kubernetes without Docker?
#58 opened by nogweii - 4
Uptime Kuma v2 support
#99 opened by BigBoot - 2
UptimeKuma v2 condition error
#98 opened by barcar - 12
Is it possible to use docker environment variables for substitution in static configuration files?
#97 opened by instantdreams - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 4
Static Configuration using groups, tags, and monitors in different files does not create monitors
#94 opened by instantdreams - 4
Slack notification configuration issue
#91 opened by tschlaepfer - 3
Using kuma-client to create a status page
#52 opened by zodac - 2
add support for podman
#90 opened by lazyzyf - 0
- 1
Feature Request Consul Support
#88 opened by gjrtimmer - 3
- 1
Feature request: add tag by name.
#68 opened by landure - 1
Using AutoKuma on Docker Standalone throws error
#87 opened by pxlfrk - 1
Unsupported static monitor file type
#89 opened by AurimasNav - 4
API Key Access
#83 opened by undaunt - 12
- 0
Why don't you contribute to Kuma?
#78 opened by HansAndreManfredson - 1
Programmatically and idempotently create monitors
#84 opened by rndmh3ro - 5
- 0
Cut a new release?
#82 opened by rndmh3ro - 4
docker.docker.docker_host sample
#80 opened by mcsdodo - 1
"enum DockerSource does not have variant constructor xxxx" due to Documentation !!!
#79 opened by UnclePhil - 1
Static Monitor - DNS
#76 opened by samcro1967 - 1
More docs on static monitors (examples)
#75 opened by AurimasNav - 0
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- 3
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AutoKuma fails to connect to HTTPS Uptime Kuma service with self-signed certificate
#66 opened by landure - 0
- 2
Unable to Start AutoKuma While Using Snippets
#67 opened by sameleff - 4
Multiple docker sockets?
#62 opened by andyloree - 0
- 1
Docker image autobuild/releases?
#63 opened by andyloree - 0
Add Description Field for Monitors
#61 opened by zylxpl - 0
- 2
Unable to download docker images?
#59 opened by zodac - 0
Support starting a check in paused state
#53 opened by johntdyer - 17
Groups should not be able to set itself as parent
#56 opened by BigBoot - 0
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