
some demos implement with python

Primary LanguagePython

Python Demos

some demos which coding with python

cfachina spider

Spider of data from http://www.cfachina.org/cfainfo/organbaseinfoServlet

How to use

  1. modified Parameters
  2. run python cfachina_spider.py

Dependencies libs

  • requests
  • bs4 - BeautifulSoup
  • xlwt, xlrd, xlutils


  • path: directory to save the data, modified in class Storage
  • pageSize(option): an argument of request, default 20, can modified in class SpiderThread: self.page_size
  • filetype(option): can be .xls or .txt, default is .xls


  • If set pageSize to 1000, it will grab only one page for each meachanism, so it should be more faster
  • Save to .txt file is more faster then .xls file


Read and write data from .xls files

Dependencies libs

  • xlwt, xlrd, xlutils