
svg schematic of the 6502 microprocessor


6502 svg schematic

This is an svg schematic of a 6502 microprocessor, consisting of a block diagram (bd.svg) and a circuit diagram (cd.svg). The latter follows the circuit of the original MOS Technology 6502 (as reverse engineered at visual6502.org) very closely, and the layout of the chip quite closely: differences with the original are noted in the file diff.txt. In a suitable browser, the circuit diagram has wires which can be highlighted on mouseover or click. It was mostly drawn by hand using Inkscape, so there are undoubtedly many errors. Error reports are welcome at the 6502.org general discussion forum).

The file bcd.svg provides an overlay of a block diagram on the circuit diagram. In a suitable browser the "nMOS 6502" title can be clicked to remove/restore the overlay; there are also buttons to add/remove text detail.