
A reference implementation of autocomplete using react, rxjs, apollo, redis and mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A reference implementation of autocomplete using react, rxjs, apollo, redis and mongodb Architecture Search Result

Web application front-end

  • React: Search page is pure function component. Component is written in react hooks
  • CSS: Material-ui
  • RxJS: dom event stream. It handles:
    • Debounce user input in 250ms
    • Filter out invalid input
    • Avoid duplicate query in a short time frame (user types 'a', then 'ab', then back to 'a')
    • Allow only single one effective http request
  • Axios: http requests contain JWT tokens

Web application back-end

  • Apollo: GraphQL service layer
  • Express: a node server
  • Search service: pure ES6 functions that are exposed as REST api


  • Redis: In-memory cache, will sync with mongodb in case of cache miss, suggestion score increment, etc.
  • MongoDB

Data Structure: Prefix Hash Tree

Images are from prefixy

Prefix Hash Tree Big-O summary Big O Summary

Data MapReduce


Quick Reference


This instructions are based on MacOS

  1. install mongodb and redis
  2. start mongo server
  1. start redis server
  1. clone this project from
  1. Modify setting.json to make sure connections to mongo and redis are correct
  2. Start server, application will be available on port 3010
npm install
npm run start
  1. Register a user in register page

  2. seed sample data to mongodb and redis by clicking the battery button at the bottom right of search page
