a development environment by pug for [storybook for html]
- Automatically import [tree-title.stories.pug] to [/path/to/tree-title] without writing javascript.
- sass and stylus under the stories folder are automatically imported.
- Display pug and html source in add-on panel and copy.
- Knobs and testing can be written in stories.js by making pug's mixin a component.
- Enabled to embed pug's common variables for each environment by using config.
npm i
npm run storybook
【build】config → .storybook/default output-dir → public
npm run build
【build2】config → .storybook/second output-dir → docs
// for github pages
npm run build2
Please refer to the following link and demo
【 .stories.pug 】→ Automatically import.
【 .stories.js 】→ Set path from /stories/~
export const Default = () => {/../}
Default.parameters = { pugCode: 'Examples/Media/Media.pug' }
() => {/../},
Hot reload does not work for this panel. Please reload if you want to update.
Can be set with config.
→ /.storybook/(default)/pug-data.js
//Pug's common variables
module.exports = {
【 .stories.pug 】→ Automatically import.
【 .stories.js 】→ Import pug-data.js and set it to renderer()
import { renderer } from 'storypug'
import pugData from '@conf/pug-data'
const { html } = renderer(pugData)