

$ npm install -D fontello-cli-but-better

What for

This package is a younger brother of fontello-cli. It was created to overcome problems which fontello-cli delivers. Main one was the inability to save config.json file with command line to whatever folder we choose.

How to use

There are two commands available

$ fontello-cli-but-better open --session ./assets --config ./assets/config.json

* --session - path where temp session file will be created, if it already exists, will be used to retrieve last session
* --config - path to fontello config file 
$ fontello-cli-but-better install --session ./assets --config ./assets/config.json --css ./assets/css --font ./assets/font

* --session - path where temp session file will be created, if it already exists, will be used to retrieve last session
* --config - path to fontello config file 
* --css - path to folder where fontello css files will be saved 
* --font - path to folder where fontello font files will be saved 

Base case scenario will be:

  1. Get your config file from fontello.
  2. Place it whatever you want in your project
  3. Create new fontello session with fontello-cli-but-better open (provide options)
  4. Change/add/rename/delete your icons, hit save
  5. Save session with fontello-cli-but-better install (provide options)