
SmartControl allows for easy automation of screen-instances and is meant to make setting up screen for (game-)servers easy. Simply add a configuration for each server you'd like to automate and you're good to go!

Note: This started as a personal project for a specific need which is why it is lacking some sanity-checks and doesn't come with code-documentation yet.


  • ServerConfiguration lets you specify both basic information about servers as well as commands to send to them on startup or shutdown
  • Simple usage!
  • Detailed logging: In case you run into any problems, check the logs!
  • Detects whether a server is already running or not
  • Can easily be used with and invoked by shell-scripts


mono SmartControl.exe METHOD NAME or mono SmartControl.exe METHOD all (not implemented yet), where METHOD is either Start, Stop or Restart. Also, there are some basic commands:

  • -h or --help: Print usage
  • -v or --version: Print current version
  • -l or --list: Print current configurations

Adding configurations is done by adding new entries to the serverconfigurations-Array in the config-file, as shown here.


  • mono, runtime-version 4.0
  • screen


Setting up a minecraft-server is rather simple with this tool. Since minecraft-servers often come with a shell-script, we can simply invoke it:

  • Copy SmartControl.exe, SmartControl.exe.config, log4net.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll to a folder of your choice
  • Create SmartControlConfigs.json, fill in:
  "serverconfigurations": [
      "name": "Minecraft",
      "restartDelay": 15,
      "allowMultipleInstances": false,
      "filepath": "/bin/sh",
      "workingdirectory": "/var/gameservers/minecraft/",
      "arguments": "",
      "sendOnStart": [],
      "sendOnStop": [
  • Name: This name will be used for both automation and screen-names.
  • RestartDelay: Seconds between stopping and starting the server back up again.
  • AllowMultipleInstances: Whether or not to allow for spawning multiple instances.
    • We don't want to run the gameserver twice in this case.
  • FilePath: The path of the program to execute.
    • We'll let sh interpret the given script-file.
  • WorkingDirectory: The directory to execute the program in.
    • Make sure this is the gameserver's root-directory.
  • Arguments: Arguments you want to pass to the program.
    • Since we want to have sh interpret the script, pass the script-file.
  • SendOnStop: An array of messages that are sent to the screen-instance after starting it up.
    • We don't need to supply anything upon startup.
  • SendOnStop: An array of messages that are sent to the screen-instance to shut it down.
    • In order to stop the server, make sure that the current input-buffer is cleared (^M/Enter), save the gamestate (save-all^M) and halt the server (stop^M).
  • Run mono SmartControl.exe Start Minecraft to start up the gameserver, mono SmartControl.exe Stop Minecraft will stop it.
  • You're good to go! ✨