
  1. it is a simple code test to retrieve prices from the database and display it in a table

#what I do

  1. I seperate the views (frontend) from the backend and I use ajax to retrieve JSON data.
  2. I create a router in the index file to recieve request and give response
  3. I make use of composer, do not worry on using composer command, I will add the whole project.
  4. My approach is Model View Controller architecture

#how to install on local machine

  1. download or clone the folder
  2. create a database and run prices.sql
  3. edit the config.php file in the root to match your database configuration
  4. edit the views/js/config.js file match your view configuration
  5. navigate to the folder of the project and run this command $php -S

#Important Links

  1. serve the index page
  2. retrieve the json data of all the records in the prices table

#Temp Server Links

  1. https://wh1053343.ispot.cc/ fo - view
  2. https://wh1053343.ispot.cc/list - api