
Implementing sort, filter and pagination API of young scouted football players and displaying it on React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OFF-Set Based and Cursor-based Paginations and when to use them.

OFF-set Based Pagination

GET /products?limit=50&offset=100 Gets products in the database starting from "101-150"


  1. Simple to implement for client and server
  2. Possible to jump to pages


  1. Unreliable results
  2. Inefficient for very large databases.

Cursor-based Pagination

Uses only limit in requests GET /products?limit=50

Server responds with results and a next-cursor and includes cursor in subsequent requests GET /products?limit=50&nextCursor=12345


  1. Improved performance
  2. Consistent Results


  1. Clients need to traverse through each page.
  2. Records might be added to the page at random positions (Less likely)
  3. Clients need to manage next cursor.