
A new Flutter project.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: install

  • firebase_core

  • build runner

  • flutterfire cli

    • setup firebase project
    • and do it to main
    • add flavor
  • envied

    • $ flutter pub add envied
    • $ flutter pub add --dev envied_generator
    • $ flutter pub add --dev build_runner
    • $ dart pub add envied
    • $ dart pub add --dev envied_generator
    • $ dart pub add --dev build_runner
    • create file .dev.env,.sit.env,.uat.env,.prod.env path "folderproject/"
    • create folder env path "../core/utils/"
    • create file same file and same pattern env.dart
    • run $ dart run build_runner build
  • flutter_flavorizr

    • create flavorizr.yaml on path "folderproject/"
    • and do pattern like this project
    • run $ flutter pub run flutter_flavorizr -p <processor_1>,<processor_2>
    • run with config gen or $ flutter run --flavor -t lib/main_.dart
    • set firebase_option_.dart path "lib/"
    • set at main
    • set firebase manual to android path "android/app/src/dev || prod || sit ||uat"
    • set all data from env to flavor

-flutter pub run flutter_flavorizr -p assets:download assets:extract ios:xcconfig assets:clean

  • if flutter firebase error ruby just look at file assets.tmp.zip extract this file and create file .tmp/ path in state lib and copy script file from extract file to this path and now run firebase again
  • flutter build appbundle --release --flavor -t lib/main_.dart --ofus

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. assets:download assets:extract android:androidManifest android:buildGradle android:dummyAssets android:icons flutter:flavors flutter:app flutter:pages flutter:main flutter:targets ios:podfile ios:xcconfig ios:buildTargets ios:schema ios:dummyAssets ios:icons ios:plist ios:launchScreen macos:podfile macos:xcconfig macos:configs macos:buildTargets macos:schema macos:dummyAssets macos:icons macos:plist google:firebase huawei:agconnect assets:clean ide:config