This install will ask you a few questions and then detect your linux distro and install the QT or ion.d wallet if it is supported. If your distro is not suported do not worry, I am working on more distros all the time.
My code is completely open, but piping to python/bash can be dangerous. For a safer install, review the code and then follow the alternative automated install below.
You may have to install curl. To install curl run the following:
sudo apt-get install curl -y
python <(curl "" -s -N)
cd /opt
sudo apt-get install git -y
sudo wget
sudo chmod 755
sudo ./
Copy the ion.conf to the correct directory, (cd ~/.ionomy/) and edit the file to create a username and password.
Minimum 8GB SD card is needed.
You need to expand your storage by running the following from terminal:
sudo raspi-config
Select option 1
If you install the iond service only use "sudo pkill -9 iond". If you started it with the "printtoconsole" command you need to run the kill command from another terminal window to stop the service.