
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

  • fork repo
  • clone repo
  • from your cloned repo, run git remote add upstream https://github.com/SFFccCamp/JobMailer.git
  • Get latest code from development git fetch upstream
  • Jump into the development branch. git checkout development
  • get latest code from upstream/dev git merge upstream/development
  • Make your own feature branch git checkout -b <your branch name> from origin/development
  • Fetch latest code again before pushing your branch.
    1. Commit or stash your changes
    2. git checkout development
    3. git fetch upstream
    4. git checkout <your branch name>
    5. git merge upstream/development
    6. Fix any conflicts
    7. Push your new branch
  • Make a pull request from your new branch against the fork against your clone branch