
Canonical versions of my config files for deploying (typically) Django projects on (typically) Ubuntu servers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Canonical versions of my config files for deploying (typically) Django projects on (typically) Ubuntu servers.


Fabric is used to run predefined sets of commands in the local and remote environment.

It requires a Python 3 environment on the local side, and the Fabric3 package must be installed:

$ pip install Fabric3

For legacy reasons we're using the python 2.7-compatible fork Fabric3 rather than Fabric for now; this requirement will probably be removed soon.

Copy fabfile.py and replace the values of PROJECT_NAME, USER_NAME and HOST_NAME.

Example initial deployment:

$ fab live bootstrap deploy:master start:gunicorn restart:nginx

Example routine deployment:

$ fab live deploy:master migrate restart:gunicorn restart:nginx

Other commands:

$ fab live destroy              # remove the environment (careful now!)
$ fab live configtext           # run nginx configtest
$ fab live django_admin:foobar  # run `django-admin foobar`


Gunicorn runs the Python application and is configured using systemd.

Copy gunicorn.conf.py, gunicorn.service and gunicorn.socket and replace the values of PROJECT_NAME, USER_NAME and ENVIRONMENT_NAME.

Note that PROJECT_NAME is used in the path of the Python application module (PROJECT_NAME.wsgi:application) and the environment config path (--config PROJECT_NAME/config/ENVIRONMENT_NAME/gunicorn.conf.py), which may need adjusting if the project name and top-level module name are not the same.

The gunicorn config file (gunicorn.conf.py) sets the number of workers at 2; you may wish to change this for larger projects.


The Ubuntu logrotate service is used for.. log rotation.

Copy logrotate.conf and replace the values of PROJECT_NAME, USER_NAME and ENVIRONMENT_NAME.


Nginx fronts the Python application, static files and various other bits.

Copy nginx.conf and replace the values of PROJECT_NAME, USER_NAME and ENVIRONMENT_NAME. Also replace [www.]example.com with your real domain names.

Let's Encrypt certificate generation

On the remote server (replacing PROJECT_NAME, USER_NAME and ENVIRONMENT_NAME):

$ sudo certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path=/home/USER_NAME/sites/PROJECT_NAME/ENVIRONMENT_NAME/lets-encrypt-validation -d example.com -d www.example.com

Plausible markup fragment that matches this Nginx config

<script defer data-domain="example.com" data-api="/p/api/event" src="/p/js/script.js"></script>