- Diner Philosopher Problem - This problem states that, there are 'n' philosophers who think and eat for each of the 'm' number of days. Provided there are 'n' forks to eat, each philosopher must have two forks in order to be able to eat. All the philosophers are thinking and eating concurrently and they also make sure that they do not end up in a deadlock situation (where each philosopher grabs single fork, hence no one can eat).
- Ice Cream Store Problem - This problems simulates a ice cream store, where in the customers enter the shop, browse for the ice creams and request the clerks in the ice cream shop to make the requested number of cones for them. The clerks then make the desired number of cones and verify each cone by the manager. The manager only entertains one clerk at a time and does not leaves the shop till all the cones are not approved. The customer after getting their cones take a token and request the cashier to get a bill. The cashier process the billing requests only if first in first out manner. This program implements the interaction of these threads to get the desired simulation.
- Reader/Writer Problem - This problem states that, given a global buffer (which is initially empty), a writer fills the empty slots in the buffer with meaningful data, and the reader reads the filled slots in the buffer. However as the global buffer is accessible to both the reader and the writer at the same time, it is to be made sure that, a reader may never read a slot ahead of time before the writer fills it with meaningful data and writer must not overwrite the slot in the buffer before that slot is read by a reader. (This problem discusses only 1 reader and 1 writer).
- Rendezvous Semaphore - This is not a problem but an illustration of two threads which in order to progess further, communicate with each other (using semaphores). This problem discusses a client requesting a server to add two number which are initialized by the client.
This repository gives solution to the basic problems in concurrent programming.