
Addons to the MCPI api.

Primary LanguagePython

MCPI Addons

A Minecraft Pi Edition: Reborn mod to add more features to the API.

Note: requires Reborn v2.4.8 or later.


First you will need to install the frontend from pip, to do that you can use pip3 install mcpi-addons. If you don't want to (or can't) compile the backend then you can grab the newest version from the releases page.


Just run ./build.sh to create the binary and run mv libextrapi.so ~/.minecraft-pi/mods to install the mod, this is needed because MCPI doesn't support any of these extensions that this api adds, so a C++ mod is loaded to intercept CommandServer::parse.

How to use

Here is a simple "Hello World" example:

# Import the api
from mcpi_addons.minecraft import Minecraft
# Initialize the api (MCPI must be open and in a world at this time)
mc = Minecraft.create()

# Post to chat
mc.postToChat("Hello world!")

For a tutorial see the 'Using the API' section of stuffaboutcode.com.

What does it do?

It adds these:

  • custom.log
    • custom.log.debug (mc.logging.debug(msg)) Logs a message in debug mode.
    • custom.log.info (mc.logging.info(msg)) Logs a message.
    • custom.warn (mc.logging.warn(msg)) Logs a warning.
    • custom.log.error (mc.logging.error(msg)) Logs an error.
  • custom.inventory
    • custom.inventory.getSlot (mc.inventory.getHeldItem()) Gets the id, auxiliary, and count of the current slot.
    • custom.inventory.unsafeGive (mc.inventory.unsafeGive(id=-2, auxiliary=-2, count=-2)) give the player the item without safety checking (-2 means don't change)
    • custom.inventory.give (mc.inventory.give(id=-2, auxiliary=-2, count=-2)) give the player the item without safety checking (-2 means don't change)
  • custom.override
    • custom.override.reset (mc.resetOverrides()) resets all tile and item overrides.
    • custom.override (mc.override(before, after)) overrides the id before with the id of after.
  • world.getBlocks
    • world.getBlocks (mc.getBlocks(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)) Gets a flat list of the blocks between (x, y, z) and (x2, y2, z2).
    • world.getBlocks.3D (mc.getBlocks3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)) Gets a 3D list of the blocks between (x, y, z) and (x2, y2, z2).
  • custom.post
    • custom.post.client (mc.postToClient(msg)) Posts the message to the chat client side.
    • custom.post.noPrefix (mc.postWithoutPrefix(msg)) Posts the message without the username prefix.
  • custom.key
    • custom.key.press (mc.player.press(key)) Presses a key.
    • custom.key.release (mc.player.release(key)) Releases a key.
  • world.getPlayerId (mc.getPlayerEntityId(name)) Gets the id of a player from the name.
  • custom.username
    • custom.username (mc.player.getUsername()) Gets the local players username.
    • custom.username.all (mc.getUsernames()) Gets a list of player usernames.
  • custom.world
    • custom.world.particle (mc.particle(x, y, z, particle)) Spawns the particle at (x,y,z).
    • custom.world.dir (mc.world.dir()) Get the world folder.
    • custom.world.name (mc.world.name()) Get the world name.
    • custom.world.servername (mc.world.server_name()) Get the last joined server name.
  • custom.player
    • custom.player.getHealth (mc.player.getHealth()) Returns the players health.
    • custom.player.setHealth (mc.player.setHealth(health)) Sets the players health.
    • custom.player.closeGUI (mc.player.closeGUI()) Closes the current screen.
    • custom.player.getGamemode (mc.player.getGamemode()) Returns the players gamemode.
  • custom.entity
    • custom.entity.spawn (mc.entity.spawn(id, x, y, z, health = -1, dir = (0, 0), data = 0)) spawns an entity of type id at x, y, z, with health health (or fuse/lifetime) pointing in dir direction with data data.
    • custom.entity.setAge (mc.entity.setAge(id, age)) changes an entities age, if it has an age (only animals do). If the age is negative it will be a baby for abs(age) / 20 seconds.
    • custom.entity.setSheepColor (mc.entity.setSheepColor(id, color)) sets a sheeps color to color
  • custom.reborn
    • custom.reborn.getFeature (mc.reborn.getFeature(feature: string) -> bool) Gets the status of a reborn feature
    • custom.reborn.getVersion (mc.reborn.getVersion() -> string) Gets the reborn version
  • events.chat
    • events.chat.post (mc.events.pollChatPosts() -> [string]) return a list of messages shown in client side chat
    • events.chat.size (mc.events.setChatSize(size = 64)) clears the chat list and resets the size
  • entity.getAllEntities
  • entity.getEntities

I want to add more so please give me suggestions.

Todo list

I am going to add theses features someday, but they aren't here now. Feel free to create a PR that adds them or other features!

  • player.setGamemode(gamemode: int) Sets the players gamemode.
  • player.getOxygen() -> int Gets the player oxygen.
  • player.setOxygen(oxygen: int) Sets the players oxygen.
  • player.getInventory() -> int[] Gets the player inventory.
  • player.setInventory(inventory: int[]) Sets the player inventory.
  • entity.getArmor(id: int) -> int[4] Gets the players armor.
  • entity.setArmor(helmet: int, chestplate: int, leggings: int, boots: int) Sets the players armor.
  • camera.getCameraState() -> int Gets the camera state.
  • camera.setCameraState(state: int) Sets the camera state.
  • minecraft.getVersion() -> str 0.1.0 or 0.1.1, will be determined at compile time and will require Legacy support.
  • world.seed() -> string Gets the worlds seed.

Known bugs

  • Using the particle iconcrack with mc.particle crashes the game, but using an invalid particle name is fine.
  • postToClient really doesn't like it when you use \n. When posted they might also post a lot of garbage to server side chat.


Raspberry Juice compatibility

One day all of these will be supported.

  • getBlocks
  • getPlayerEntityId
  • events.pollChatPosts
  • player/entity.getRotation
  • player/entity.getPitch
  • player/entity.getDirection


Particles are client side and only shown if the player is within 16 blocks. Here is a particle list I found at 0x107511 in minecraft-pi

  • bubble (only works in water)
  • crit
  • flame
  • lava
  • smoke
  • largesmoke
  • reddust
  • ironcrack (crashes the game)
  • snowballpoof
  • explode


A list of tiles can be found here and a list of items here.


A list of entities can be found here.


  • 1.2.5

    • Added custom.world.servername to get the name of the server the client is connecting to
  • 1.2.4

    • Fix custom.world.name while the mod is running on a server
  • 1.2.3, by Skjeggegubben

    • Add custom.entity.setAge and custom.entity.setSheepColor
  • 1.2.2

    • Remove print() call left in by mistake
    • Add entity.getEntities and entity.getAllEntities
  • 1.2.1, by Red-exe-Engineer

    • Update entity ids and Entity class on the python side
    • Add the sheep class and item class
  • 1.2.0, by Red-exe-Engineer

    • Add reborn.getVersion, reborn.getFeature, events.chat.posts, and events.chat.size
  • 1.1.1

    • Add basic entity spawning.
  • 1.1.0

    • Fixed bug with causing args to be cut off at the first left parenthesis.
    • Fixed bug in world.getBlocks and custom.getBlocks3D causing them to target the wrong position.
    • Added tests.
    • Improved docs.
    • Many breaking API changes.
    • Many internal changes.
    • Added custom.player.getHealth, custom.player.setHealth, custom.player.closeGUI, and custom.player.getGamemode.
  • 1.0.3

    • Added world.getBlocks, custom.getBlocks3D.
    • Improved custom.particle.
    • Removed getOffset from minecraft.py.
  • 1.0.2

    • Added custom.overrideTile, custom.overrideItem, and custom.resetOverrides.
  • 1.0.1

    • Added functionality to world.getPlayerId.
    • Added custom.getUsernames.
  • 1.0.0

    • Stopped getSlot from crashing the game with invalid ids.
    • Added press, unpress, worldName, worldDir, particle, getOffset, and logging (debug, info, warn, err).
    • Uploaded to pypi and github.
  • Beta

    • Added getSlot and give.
  • Alpha

    • Had getUsername, postWithoutPrefix, and postClient.


Here is a screenshot of using overrides and particles:

Here is a screenshot of using entity spawning with arrows and direction:

Here is a screenshot of using TNT entities and falling bedrock entities to make a cannon: