
try with more feature

Primary LanguagePython

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This is a version compatible with Microsoft Windows:registered: for version with Linux system check on my repository at Gitlab.com ➡️ https://gitlab.com/BigoudOps/gaston.voice-assistant
name of assistant change and i add a sort files by theires extensions
I use the API of openwheathermap for the wheater, so if you want to use this you need to add a api inside function meteo if you see something missing please let me know 😉


Build an Artificial Assistant

Full tutorial (video)

To watch the tutorial, click on the image below

Watch the video-- Build your own Alexa


For windows users

(run those in command prompt/cmt/terminal) For the robot to listen to our voice/speech pip install speechRecognition

To speak out, or text to speech pip install pyttsx3

For advance control on browser pip install pywhatkit

To get wikipedia data pip install wikipedia

To get funny jokes pip install pyjokes

For linux users

Learn all the above commands on terminal. Make sure to use pip3, because in linux pip refers for python2 and pip3 refers to python3. Install these too - pip3 install pyAudio

In case any error pops up install this - pip3 install portAudio


If you encounter any problems feel free to open a new issue. Before that check other closed issues and check if your issue matches with any older issues.