Embedded dynamo-local for clojure with support for apple M1 macs
(require 'dynamo-embedded-clj.core)
;; Start a local dynamo with default port:
;; another call will halt the previous system:
;; When you're done:
NOTE: these will halt running dynamo instances
(require 'clojure.test)
(use-fixtures :once with-dynamo-fn)
(defn around-all
(with-dynamo-fn (merge default-config
{:port 8000
:in-memory? true
:shared-db? true
:db-path "some/path"
:jvm-opts ["opt1" "opt2"]})
(use-fixtures :once around-all)
;;; You can also wrap ad-hoc code in init/halt:
(with-dynamo default-config
,,, :do-something ,,,)