
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yo Mama Generator

Yo Mama!

##Scope To capitalize on the viral fury of the underground 'Yo Momma' battle scene, you have been tasked with designing and creating a webapp to help users find the best 'Yo Momma' joke to help them to become victorious.

Your Manager has laid out the following requirements for the project:

  • Implement a mock API to retreive the jokes
  • Allow users to interact with the application to get a new joke
  • Implement the ability to convert the joke to a voice text

##Learning Objectives By the end of this project the employee will be able to...

  • Understand the difference between a GET and POST requests (HTTP Methods)
  • Interpret the supplied API documentation and use the API for the application (APIs)
  • Understand the role of the client and the role of the server (Client-Service Interaction)
  • Understand how the client and the server interact (Client-Server Interaction)
  • Analyze and interpret the supplied documentation to their project (Reading Comprehension)
  • Ability to explain and discuss projects in terms of APIs and HTTP requests (Technical Vocabulary)


##Instructions You are given a stripped-down project to add the required functionality, which must be cloned into your own workspace. And make sure to read the comments!

###1) API Creation

####Why do I need this:

As a developer, you will rely on components created by other people or other teams. One way to interact with other components is through a systematic interface - known as the API (Application Programming Interface). An API provides a set of specific format for the interaction between the callee and the caller - such as specifying the required inputs, the expected outputs, and possible error cases. Some APIs return information about products and recommended products (Amazon), post updates to social networks (Twitter or Facebook), or send money to your friend (Paypal, Venmo, etc.).

####What am I going to do:

In this step, you will step into the role of an architect and create an API used by your website to retreive jokes from the service. The API will need to specify the inputs and the output, as well as mocking the expecting output (pretending to be the server and returning an output).

####Creating Mock Endpoint

  1. Go to mockable.io
  2. Click "Try Now"
  4. Creating an endpoint
  5. Set Path - Set the path you want to hit to get the list of yo mama jokes. This shouldn't have any spaces and should describe the data the user is fetching. Something like "jokes" or "yomama" would make sense.
  6. Set Verb - The verb is just the type of HTTP request we want to make. We'll be using the GET verb because we're just fetching data from the backend. If we wanted to store data in the backend we'd probably use the POST verb.
  7. Set Response Body - This is what the backend will return to us when we make a request to this endpoint. Try pasting in the following JSON (JavaScript Object Notation):
                joke: "Yo mama so fat, her portrait fell off the wall."
                joke: "Yo daddy's so ugly, when he looked out the window he was arrested for mooning!"
                joke: "Yo mama so fat, she has a real horse on her polo shirt."
                joke: "Yo mama so stupid, she walked into an antique shop and asked, 'What's new?'"
                joke: "Yo mama so fat, she leaves stretch marks in the tub."
  1. Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen

  2. Starting the endpoint

  3. You should see the endpoint you just created with a red button on the left that says "Stopped". It should look like this: Endpoint Stopped

  4. Click the "Stopped" button to make your endpoint live! The button should now look like this: Endpoint Started

  5. Now we should test out the endpoint. Click on the link underneath the "Name" column. It should take you to a page that looks like this: Edit Endpoint

  6. Click on one of the links in this section and make sure it takes you to a page with the JSON you had entered for the Response Body Endpoint Links

  7. IMPORTANT - Your temporary account will expire in a day, so you if you want your mockable.io endpoint to keep working you must create an account in order to keep this API available. Don't worry! It's free! Here's how you do it:

  8. Toward the top of the mockable site you should see this: Endpoint Will Expire

  9. Click the "Tell me more" link which will take you to the next screen.

  10. Click one of the icons at the bottom of the screen to sign in (Google, Facebook, or StackExchange).

  1. You should now have a working endpoint for your project! Congratulations!

###2) Adding User Interface

####Why do I need this:

If you look at Facebook, you notice that users can submit comments or like a post without

requiring the page to reload. This ability to get information or perform an action without a page

reload provides a better, more seamless experience for users.

####What am I going to do:

You will implement the ability to show a new joke to the user without the need of reloading the

entire page

####How I will do this:

  1. Add a button to index.html which will be used to trigger a new joke.
  2. Add an area in index.html to display the joke text.
  3. In main.js, write a function to fetch jokes from the server.
  4. Write a function to take the server response and store it locally.
  5. Call the fetch function when the script runs.
  6. Create an event handler for the button so that clicking the button triggers a new joke.
  7. Write a function to retrieve a random joke from the jokes array.
  8. Write a function to display the joke on the screen.

###3) Speech Implementation

####Why do I need this:

This is a natural extention of the previous two steps. You will be add another method of

interaction by providing the user the ability to hear the joke, instead of reading the joke. To avoid

the need to build out an entire system to convert text to speech, this functionality will use the Web

Speech's API to convert text to audio.

####What am I going to do:

You will implement a method to use Web Speech's API based on their documentation (with

assistance from the web) to voice out the text.

#####How I will do this:

  1. In speak.js, use the text to voice javascript API to speak a string of text.
  2. Back in main.js, use the function you just wrote to speak the joke as it's displayed.

###4) Next Steps From here you can extend the project however you like! Feel free to come up with your own ideas, or implement some of the ideas below:

####Potential Ideas

  1. Add more Yo Mama jokes
  2. Figure out a way so you don't reuse any of the jokes until the user has gone through them all (but keep their order random!).
  3. Make the same project but with motivational statements instead of Yo Mama jokes
  4. Make a magic 8-ball project that returns a different answer each time. If you're using a mobile device, you could have it give a different answer each time you shake or add an 8-ball animation each time it gives a new answer.
  5. Makes a test taker project that randomly returns A, B, C, or D for helping you fill in scantron tests.


  • Application Program Interface (API) - A set of interfaces to interact another web-based resource.
  • GET Requests - A request to retreive data from another resource
  • POST Requests - A request to submit data to another resoure for processing
  • AJAX Requests - A technique to provide interactivity between the client and server without reloading the page
  • Client - The program that requests another service to perform an action
  • Server - The program that performs the action requested by the client's request
  • Endpoint - The URL where your service can be accessed by a client application reloading the page

##How to Submit

This project must be pushed back up to your repo on GitHub. Then you will share your link with the instructor


Instructor will assign homework based on progress in class.