
An example on how to create a FPS game with Darkrift 2

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

How to Build a Multiplayer Game, a humble template

Welcome to the this tutorial which aim to give you the help needed to start your own multiplayer game development. In this template game you will find a fully functional FPS game with an authorative server, built in cloud hosting capabilities on the Unordinal platform, automatic server discoverability for clients, on click deployment of your server to cloud, automatic client sharing with your friends.

The team at unordinal will support this template and will, over the coming time, extend it with additional functionality such as:

Adittional to the features provided in the template, you will also find a tutorial and documentation where you can learn more about how to create an authoritative multiplayer first person shooter game with Unity and Darkrift 2.

The tutorial will cover the following subjects:

  • Multiplayer game project architecture
  • Darkrift 2 basics.
  • Choosing between an embedded and a standalone Darkrift server.
  • Basic room management
  • Client prediction, reconciliation, interpolation, authoritative movement.
  • Lag compensation (shooting in an FPS game)

You can follow the tutorial here: https://lukestampfli.github.io/EmbeddedFPSExample/guide/introduction.html

Special Thanks

Special thanks to LukeStampfli for the orignial technical DR2 template project which handles the DR2 networking model. Special thanks to DevIos01 for sharing his Graphical Game Assets used in this template. Special thanks to KABBOUCHI for converting this tutorial into a website.